IJSIT is an online and E-print Journal and promotes the Research and Development in Pharmaceutical and Applied Sciences. Researchers may submit: Original Research, Articles, Review articles, Short Notes, Abstracts to ijsiteditor@gmail.com.

Organic Chemistry

Inorganic chemistry

Analytical chemistry

Physical chemistry

Medicinal chemistry

Natural products






Pharmaceutical analysis


Computer science

Novel drug delivery


Welcome To IJSIT

The International Journal of Science Inventions Today (IJSIT) is a peer reviewed international online journal in English published by monthly. The scope of this journal is publish the original research and review of all categories of science such as chemistry, botany, zoology, biochemistry, biotechnology, pharmaceutics, phamacutical analysis, Drug delivery, nanotechnology. IJSIT provides the free access to the articles.

IJSIT invites the articles from chemistry (organic chemistry, Inorganic chemistry, Analytical chemistry, Paraceutical chemistry, Medicinal chemistry, natural products, etc.), life sciences (botany, zoology, microbiology, bio-chemistry, Bio-technology and Bio-informatics etc. ), Pharmacy (pharmaceutical analysis, Phamaceutics, Drug delivery, etc.) and all categories for science.